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Octopus ala Anna! 10 out of 10
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Mark and Coco

Well, well, well, when I’m wrong, I’m wrong.  Paros is fabulous! Last night Coco and I had dinner at “Restaurant Anna” or Restaurant “Anna” … I’m not sure how it’s titled but holy smokes what a meal.  First of all as we enter this famous restaurant (number 2 on the island according to TripAdvisor), Anna herself broke off from an argument with a supplier delivering goods and welcomes us warmly offering her hand and asking our names as she introduces
herself. “Oh, you’re Anna?” we ask… “yes” she replies, “I shop, I cook, I serve”.  She actually has a large staff of amazing people who speak many languages and are very warm and professional. We were the first there so she marched us to the kitchen and asks “What do you like? Fish? Aubergine? Casserole?”  I ask if she has octopus and she laughs and says “Of course!”  Her enormous smile and her clear genuine warmth were impressive and infectious… we loved her immediately.  What followed was a meal to end all meals.  Her own salad chocked full of three kinds of lettuce, fruit, nuts, croutons, and cheeses. Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 11.10.07 PM Large enough to feed an army yet the food kept coming… an octopus dish ( 10 out of 10 ), saganaki cheese wrapped in phyllo and drizzled with

Saganaki from Restaurant Anna
Saganaki from Restaurant Anna

honey, baked mushroom and cheese…. these were our appetizers and they left us so full we didn’t order mains.  They loved our “Canadian-ness”… our waiter told us the staff put us in the top 5 friendliest people they had ever met.  By now the restaurant  was jam packed yet when we were leaving we came downstairs from the rooftop dining area and Anna again came racing out if the kitchen inviting Coco and I over for lunch the next day as her guest and her treat.  If “Restaurant Anna” was within 100 miles of our home we would weigh 1800 pounds.  The food is spectacular!

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