As we left our hotel at New Golden Beach (seen on the bottom right side of the map) we were looking forward to once again Map of Paros 2015-08-06 at 7.23.57 AMdriving across the island and through Lefkes on our way the port town of Parkia (centre left). Although it is quite a winding path cut through the mountain it’s such a lovely drive. We commented to one another as we approached our known landmarks like The Byzantine Bridge

Byzantine Bridge, Paros
Byzantine Bridge, Paros

or the Ancient Marble Quarry.  We felt we were now quite familiar with the area. It was our last full day on the island before we head off to Mykonos
tomorrow so we felt sad at  the thought of leaving.  As we arrived in Parikia we found parking a bit of a challenge especially when we drove down this small lane to a parking lot only to find it full. That problem came when we tried to leave because quite a few people had the same idea blocking the only way out… the small one lane road.  There was no road rage, no hands flying up in the air, vulgar gestures. We all simply smiled, waved while moving and jostling until we all managed to squeeze back out onto the road. Overall the Greek people are confident drivers (some might say more like indy 500 racers)  but quite patient and quick to yield to a driver in a bigger hurry. Driving around, Coco sighted a spot not too far from our first destination, Ekatontapyliani (or The Church with a Hundred Doors).

Once we parked her hay fever started acting up so it was OFF TO THE PHARMACY!  You would think pharmacists  would be among the people who would be fluent in english but as it turned out I had a chance to watch an exchange which should have been on Saturday Night Live!  Coco was great and eventually got some tablets which we hoped wouldn’t knock her out before noon. Now we were off to see the church.

The Church with a Hundred Doors service

The Church with a Hundred Doors was beautiful but in the midst of some renovations.  Coco and I sat quietly as the older woman and the young boy along with the baritone priest took turn singing the sermon.  At times they would sing in harmony and at others they would swing the microphone towards one another when it was their turn to sing.

As the end of the service  neared the priest swung his censer which burns inccense and walked around the congregation.

It was something to see.  We loved it.Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 12.37.57 AM

Lunch at the Aegean Deli was terrific. I had the octopus and Coco went eggplant.  The young guy who owned the place had lived in Aegean Deli 2015-08-06 at 11.02.40 PMVancouver for four months las year working the Vancouver to Alska cruise route. He was finishing up his Seamans apprenticeship.  With a two year old and a new one on the way he returned home and opened his restaurant. This is him to the left with Coco.

2 thoughts on “Church with a Hundred Doors, Parikia, Paros

  1. What a wonderful trip. I am imagining it with you ‘ remember I said once in my bucket list was trip to Greece now I don’t have to go I am there with you both


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