Here in Istanbul and for that matter all over Turkey you see stray dogs, many stray dogs.  Cats and dogs all over thedogs2 place.  Some of them are in such poor condition my heart aches.  If it were just food they needed I would empty my bank account and spray food all over the nation, but for these animals a home is what they lack.
The locals feed them constantly… in fact all over the streets there are make-shift food bowls just randomly placed for these “city pets” to eat.  What they really need is flea medication.  Turkish people in general are more than tolerant, they are very caring.  Yesterday I saw a man with holes in his shoes taking time to help a big dog who was struggling with some trash he had found.  He helped this dog by unwrapping the paper so he could eat the contents.  I see this kind of warmth from the people everyday and it makes me love this country more and more.

OMG!  I miss my sweet Scooby Doo … I guess I even miss that little rat Jack.  I’ll see you soon boys!

2 thoughts on “Scooby Dooby Doo and little Jack too

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